Happy "Holydays"?
Many Christians celebrate festivals, and yet never think about what they are
celebrating. Many of these have pagan meanings and origins, particularly
Christmas. Find out more at the following articles and links:
Disclaimer: BibleBasis.org does not necessarily agree with all information, and/or beliefs found on these sites,
and/or their ministries.
Find out all about Xmas at the following links:

Merry Christ-sacrifice?
Many Christians celebrate Christmas, but
unfortunately many fail to see the true
meaning of what they are celebrating. Christmas has only pagan meanings and origins, and most importantly, Jesus NEVER tells us to remember or celebrate His birth. Find out more at the following
articles and links:

These articles clearly reveal Christmas's many
pagan origins. How come then do so many Christians celebrate his birth? If
you've been wondering whether we should be celebrating this "holyday", or if
this is completely new to you, these excellent articles can show you how there
is no Biblical warrant in this celebration.
Find out all about Easter at the following link(s):
Easter was a pagan festival that is now thought to be celebrating the death of
Jesus Christ. Jesus never told us to give chocolate bunnies or go on egg hunts,
but he did tell Christians to remember his death. These article(s) reveal
Easter's many pagan origins. How come then do so many Christians celebrate
Easter? If you've been wondering whether or how we should be remembering this
"holyday", these excellent article(s) can show you how there is little Biblical
warrant in the celebration of Easter.
Find out all about Halloween at the following link(s):
Halloween is a satanic festival, and many Christian parents let their children go around
Trick-or-Treating. This is not fun and games, it is very real, and very bad!
this excellent article can
show you just how evil this Satanic celebration really is.